Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I know what you're thinking.

"That floating sandwich would eat the poor technician sprite. It's too big for your game!"

Why yes, yes it is.

That's why the sandwich isn't going in this game.

I found that writing the script (as in the exact plot and dialog) for Protocol 001 is tedious and tiring, but I refuse to put anything in code until I finish it. I'm not going to go down the road of getting to the point in the game I hadn't thought about and improvising a puzzle that doesn't make sense or is badly designed.

So to take the tension out of being Twilight Zone serious, I've found something to keep the stress down.

I'm making a platformer game with an engine called Construct. I know, please stop thinking that I'm going to ignore this game like I did with Bitey the Littlest Vampire... but, Bitey understands. That story wasn't ready and not built for an adventure game... it was for an RPG.

One of these days, one of my game projects will be finished.

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